
Here's how the world can see itself differently - let the loons take the asylum and share their stories with us all! Abandoned corporate certainly for audio-visual dreams, which Quickflick's unique global activities and challenges continue to satisfy and surpass. 21st creative provocateur on a mission, just getting started.

Tania Brett
Devil's Advocate

Una misión que tiene sentido: dar a conocer el talento que florece en Quickflick. De lo contrario, me mantengo ocupado en el mundo de los eventos patrocinados, tirando un poco de color en la imagen corporativa generalmente gris. En mi tiempo libre sigo corriendo en oportunidades para ayudar a desarrollar ideas brillantes.


Audrius Bukauskas
Web Designer

From a tiny country but with a bigger brain.

A bit secretive but up to the challenges.

I love bringing web sites to life.

I'm a web designer, that's what I am.


Maybe you need help with your next site?

Teenum Chudha
Web Designer

Has worked as a digital consultant in the fields of paid advertising, SEO and social media for over 7 years.  Co-founded Susumu in 2009 which services international clients from Russia to Brazil and many in between!  A true Londoner through and through with passions for film, great web design, travel, Ollie and his food.

Simon Baird

Beach Monkey (we're jealous)
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I dreamed this site.
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